PO Box 1211 Ocean Shores WA 206 792 0481 guy@foenix.tech Foenix Marine Services

Espar Heater Sales, Parts and Repair

Panel Repair

Boat Electric designed and built a number of control/hookup panels for both forced air and hydronic Espar heaters. With few exceptions, the forced air heater hookup harnesses are pretty straightforward. The multi-zoned Hydronic panels and boxes are a bit more complex. Foenix offers service for all of Boat Electric's old Hydronic control panels.

New Reliable Panels

Modern manufacturing philosophy leans towards disposability. Highly technical products are often obsolete as soon as they come on the market. In some circles the concept of repairing anything has become archaic. That is not a problem with many products. In fact it can be exciting to see the latest and greatest.

Espar does not build any multi zone controls for any of there Hydronic heating systems.

There are now several small manufacturers that build controls for some hydronic heaters. They all use printed circuits boards or proprietary chips, or both. If one of these controls fail you will have to contact the manufacturer and hope the device is still available.

Foenix Marine service builds multizone controls for all current and past Espar hydronic heater models. Foenix’s hydronic controls offer full features. All are multizone and some have built-in diagnostics. Most importantly no proprietary chips or parts are incorporated. Foenix's hydronic controls are hard wired and built with common off-the-shelf components that can be found in most any electronics shop anywhere in the world. They are very servicible.

Heater Purchase Optional

Foenix will build your Hydronic controls regardless of where you get you heater. Controls are available for all Espar models past present and probably future. Custom controls are also available.

Call today for a price quote.
